February 09, 2005

Talk With Me...

I work 5, sometimes 6 days a week as a switchboard operator for a very large group of hospitals. An average of 250 times an evening, hear a beep in my left ear, my cue to say "Thank you for calling (Blah-blah) Hospital, this is (My Name). How may I direct your call?" If it is not that, it is some variation of that.

"Can you hold one moment please? Thank you."
"Thank you for holding. How may I help you?"
"Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Thank you. Connecting you now."
"Thank you. One moment while I page."
"Thank you. Let me get that number for you."

You would think after doing that 250+ times in a day I'd be all talked out. Well, perhaps some people would be, but I assure you, I am not. Repeating a script over and over is only "speaking" and not "conversing." Sure, I'm tired of parrotting a script, but at the same time I'm starved for conversation, hungry for a genuine discussion and the give and take of minds.

Don't understand that? Apparently neither does a great many people.

Posted by Mamamontezz at February 9, 2005 06:12 PM

I do understand, my last three working years were amongst staunch liberals that would not speak of current events unless it was to slam the administration, I had nothing in common with them except the fact that we worked in the same building. Most were a third of my age and we had no conversations beyond work, no interactions and no fraternizations - zilch. I liked my boss even though he was 2 years older than my daughter, again no fraternizing between the serfs and the lords. Blogging has somewhat filled the void. Thanks for being there Mama.

Posted by: Jack at February 9, 2005 06:53 PM

Oh I feel you. During the past two elections plus the primaries in May, I phone banked about 4 days a week about 5 hours a day. Calling people and reading a script hoping no one tells you where to go makes you hungry for talking with a person. thankless job as well, but an important part of the Get Out the Vote deal. *sigh* Keep up the good work, Mama.

Posted by: Alli at February 9, 2005 11:14 PM

You all talked out? Never in a million years. What are some people thinking? Conversation with intelligent people is one of the things I value most. You an always talk to me anytime no one else will listen.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at February 10, 2005 09:55 AM

IF you are tired of parroting a script why r u a republican?

Posted by: mott the hoople at February 10, 2005 06:56 PM

Mama, why is it that those who think they have balls always leave a false email address or URL?

IF you are tired of parroting a script why r u a republican?

Parroting? That is the primary means of communication for the Democratic Party. Hell even the Nazis had less, "yeah what he said" than the Dems.

Mamamontezz offers very good incite and isn't afraid to put it out there. She doesn't take a random crap in the lawn of silly little trolls who pop in to do just that on her site.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at February 11, 2005 12:36 AM

I totally hear you ... I've worked switchboards and phone banks before, and always hungered for real conversation.

Oh, and thanks to the troll for illustrating why we value intelligent conversation from one another.

Posted by: Asher Abrams at February 11, 2005 06:20 PM

excellent, that was really well explained and helpful

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