December 07, 2004

CPS Strikes Again.

This is one of those moments when I wish I were a more fluent and powerful user of both profanity and cursing.

I remember, as a child, reading in the newspapers and hearing on the evening news the stories of forced sterilizations by "well meaning and well intentioned" medical professionals at the behest of governmental agencies who had deemed persons unfit as members of the gene pool. Young black children in orphanages, the blind, the deaf, those with mental illnesses, those with birth defects were all routinely sterilized in hospitals every day.

And the arguements given for such brutalilty were just so "rational" at the time.

"How would they care for a child?"

"We would be burdened with the care of any (fill in the defect) child they produced for as long as it lived."

"Imagine how it would suffer?"

Defective. That's how they looked at these people. Burdensome, nonproductive, a drain on our resources. Quaint archaic notions, all.

But robbed of the tools of their brutal agenda, they have moved on to something much more evil and vicious. Sure, they allow people to retain their ability to have a child, to bring a precious life into the world. Then they step in and rip the family apart in the name of compassion.

Compassion for whom? The mother who cries herself to sleep, terrified of what is being done to her child? The father who grieves for his son or daughter, believing that he will never be able to love his child again? The child who will bounce from foster home to foster home, or be adopted yet always wonder who he or she is?

Thank you, Misha. You just got my blood pressure up.

Posted by Mamamontezz at December 7, 2004 05:20 PM

It's from one extreme to another in the nanny state, like everything else that comes from government the cost of "free" is way too high. Like every branch of government that has unrestricted control over the lives of the citizen the CPS often does more harm than good.

Posted by: Jack at December 8, 2004 10:28 AM

Definitely makes you wonder why we allow such orghanizations to gain so much school teachers are allowed to do a walk through inspection of your home when you first enroll your little ones in school.....the tahers then get to report to the meddlesome socialist srvices types on anything they personally deem negative.....(Guess it's good I'm planning to home school my little one as I'm sure having D&D books, and western novels that depict people with weapons on the cover art, or having a bible here might be deemed negatively by some quack teacher)

Posted by: K-Squared at December 8, 2004 11:01 AM
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