March 31, 2005


In silence and trembling in Nature's dress,
Impatient yet still, I sit here and wait
With tender white loins longing for their fate.
My deep carnal thoughts lead to sweet duress,
Anticipating your firmest caress.
Dark, animal, deep and driven to mate
Primordially, in wild bestial state,
The primitive hearts deep within our breasts.
Yes! With the arrival of my desired
I'm consumed in blazes by absence fired.
Please come to me before I can falter,
And take me upon your linen altar.
Release me, Sir, from earthly contrition
And liberate me through my submission.


Doggerel Pundit has been my poetry mentor and teacher for several months now, and has helped me immensely with the technical aspects of my poetry. As part of this, he has given me the assignment of writing twelve sonnets. Honestly, I bridle under the strict structure of the sonnet, but I'm trying.

One sonnet down, eleven more to go.

Posted by Mamamontezz at March 31, 2005 10:42 AM

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